Unreal City have had quite a sporadic release history. Back in 2008 they released an initial album, Ephemeral Subsistence, which was actually pretty good. The following year they released a demo, also entitled "Masks", and have also appeared on a compilation 7" alongside Gehenna, Integrity and VVegas. A song or two has also appeared on label compilations from time to time, but they have hardly been the most prolific band out there.
Very recently, they have released this new 7" EP, courtesy of Holy Terror records (no doubt helped by +Orr's Integrity involvement) and there are rumours out there that new recordings are also in the works. The 2009 demo cassette was also named Masks, and contained the tracks on this EP (plus a little bit more), but from what I can see these are new recordings for this release.
Two versions of this record were produced, the regular black and what has been described as "Human Flesh". I was interested by the latter to see just what would appear on my doorstep. It is really more of a light creamy colour, I think perhaps bone would have been a more accurate description of the true colour. There is also a slight hint of green marbled through, which is clearly just run-off during production.HT are streaming half of the EP for free, sink your teeth in.